I hated rank and file members who I couldn't humble.
Someone who is hating congregation members who wouldn't allow you to humiliate them isn't exactly what one would think of as being humble.
Who was having a problem with humility here? You or them?
as jw elders what were the biggest frustrations we personally had?.
i hated rank and file members who i couldn't humble..
I hated rank and file members who I couldn't humble.
Someone who is hating congregation members who wouldn't allow you to humiliate them isn't exactly what one would think of as being humble.
Who was having a problem with humility here? You or them?
2020 memorial talk outline.. https://docdro.id/73bh2yg.
Jesus "commanded" his disciples to remember his loving act in a simple ceremony, which is held once a year as a memorial (Lu 22:19,20)
And having taken the bread, having given thanks, He broke it and gave to them, saying, "This is My body, which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me,"
I'm surprised at how much of this I've become unclear about.
The way I see this scripture, Jesus was saying that when you observe the Passover celebration, when you eat unleavened bread and drink red wine, which is part of the passover celebration, do it in remembrance of me.
JW's don't believe that they are required to celebrate the passover anymore . I don't see that this scripture indicates that Jesus intended to replace the passover celebration with a memorial of his death. It seems like he's saying to remember him during the passover celebration. I also see no indication that from that point on, his followers would be expected to go around the community, inviting non believers to observe the celebration with them, they way JW'd do today.
Where did that come in to play? Am I missing something?
montana women's prison settles discrimination complaint by jehovah's witness.
the state has agreed to pay a portion of an inmate’s attorney fees and have a warden undergo training on religion rights to settle a discrimination claim.. .
i was recently informed that the new jw bible was reviewed by some academic type person who rated it as one of the best translations available.. has anyone heard of this person and if so what is his reasoning for giving it such a compliment?.
Jehovah's Witnesses condemn the world and view it as being ruled by Satan and they dismiss anything non JW Bible Scholars have to say about the Bible. That is until a worldly authority with even the most feeble of credentials, gives them a compliment. They still condemn the one making the compliment but they enthusiastically embrace his or her words as proof that they have the truth and they quote them as much a possible.
today, many signs have been fulfilled showing that we are in the end times and much has been said in regards to armageddon, tribulation... etc but little in regards to what happens to those who believe and what transitions them to be free and escape from all that to the final destination.
this is my focus and message is based on that.in creation, there were two trees at the centre of the garden of eden and we are familiar with what happened;man ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil and then we are familiar with the ramifications afterwards.
now through jesus christ, the events that will lead to the end for those who believe are in 3 stages1.knowledge will be increased (daniel 12:4)there will be a transition, knowledge will transition from that of the tree of knowledge of good and evil to also include knowledge of the tree of life and this brings with it a transformation that will bring in the second phase2.healingthe knowledge/belief/faith will bring about spiritual transformational healing, also practical knowledge i.e.
There should have been some sort of required “troll recognition” training course for us to have taken before we joined this site as well as a yearly refresher.
i dunno about you, but if i walked up to this display at an expo i'd be a little creeped out..
Scientologists have Segways, is this next for JWs?
Only if there are Segways that are built for two and there is a "modesty" panel on the front to keep the sisters skirts from blowing upward.
i dunno about you, but if i walked up to this display at an expo i'd be a little creeped out..
I'm always wary of people who seem to be trying way too hard and these folks look like they are in full love bomb mode.
i'd like to start off this post by saying, we all know that the wt loves control.
it's clear by their history, their wt's, the elder arrangement and so on.
however, after witnessing and using the publish id program in person, it takes this need for control to a whole new level & it was scary.. if you've ever seen builder assist (the website program used for ldc volunteers) or the metro program, it actually looks pretty similar to that.
I've heard on this forum that there are those who because of their elder husbands carelessness, looked at the congregation files. I could see this happening someday, if someones PIMO wife or teen, hacked into the database via his elder husband/father's access, sending every JW he knows, a link to JWfacts (for example) or worse, changing the data base to show anyone he chooses, as disfellowshipped.
just copying this article from a us newspaper website.
it was the section of the article that said, ".
when a reporter asks about jehovah's witness beliefs, a church elder refers her to the website jw.org, explaining that the quinoneses and wellses aren't official church spokespersons.".
They weren't asked if they were the official spokesmen for the organization, they were asked what their beliefs are. As per usual, their beliefs are based on emotion (fear obligation guilt) rather than on facts and they are unable to explain why they are doing what they are doing.
It's nice for them that they can be so casual and cavalier these days. They seem to be promoting a way of life ("the best life ever") rather than out there with an "urgent life saving message" doing whatever it takes to get the word out, because peoples lives are at stake and their time is at hand.
They've basically become another mainstream fundamentalist religion and we'll always have trouble with the ways of the current JW's as long as we look at the organization through the eyes of those who learned the "Truth" in decades past.
there will be an update/change in the od book coming soon.
i have it on good word that this change in the od book has already been pushed out & notified to the “higher ups”.
newwww light!.
This is good news indeed ! Once the O.D. book is updated, JW's actually WILL be the one true religion on earth !